I haven't yet read it - I just ordered it yesterday - but four time Iditarod champion Jeff King, has written a new book. Sometime last summer I had noticed that it was in the works, but forgot about it until yesterday when I realized that while it's basketball season here in central VT, it's Quest season up north. I did a little surfing and checked on the race stats, and then found myself at CabelasIditarod.com - another favorite site - and saw that Jeff's book had been released.
Anyway, I am very excited to read it and will give a full review once I do. For those of you who have read my books or writings, you know what I huge fan of mushing I am - even if my previous attempts ended unfortunately. Someday, I hope to try again.
Here's an interesting tidbit - my daughter Lydia, the one who was attacked, is also very interested in starting a team. Strange how life changes, hmmm?
I hope you'll visit the King's web site
or blog - no, I don't get some sort of commission for sending you there, but if you'd like to learn about mushing, these are great sites at which to begin.